Saturday, 1 September 2007

Laundry Day

Today there was no school, instead, a lot of sleeping on my part. I didn’t get up until 9, and then the whole day basically vanished. I had to go do laundry, and that sucked up all my time until 2.

Some good news is that I finally discovered a decently priced place to eat, and it is right across from my residence.

Then I went to St. Mary Major for day three of the novena. Halfway through my rosary everybody was kicked out of the Borghese chapel. I tried to get an explanation, but the rude man locking the gates was not very forthcoming, and muttered something about Mass starting. Well, I knelt at the locked gates and continued saying my rosary regardless. No Mass had begun by the time I left about 15 minutes later, and in any case, I don’t see what Mass at the High altar has anything to do with what people do in the side chapels.

I spent over an hour in the basilica museum. Lots of wonderful things to see, but I was very bothered by the fact that the reliquaries were all on display as well. It is exceedingly inappropriate. Besides, what if somebody wants to venerate the relics, does he have to cough up 4 euros for the privilege? The current arrangement is problematic at best. I was almost tempted to photograph them, because I have never come across pictures of these important relics before, but decided not to.

Finally I went to Mass at San Gregorio. We said the litany of our Lady and sang the Salve Regina after the votive Mass to the Immaculate Heart because today was first Saturday.


Unknown said...

Hey! Greatly enjoying the stories and I"m glad you're having a great time!

Unknown said...

Did you see the set of Urban VIII's? That alone makes it worth while.

(And while you're there, can you take pictures of the missal covers from the Borromeo and Pius V sets too please? I need construction techniques.)